Thursday, September 25, 2014

Classifying Objects and Materials

From many conversations with our students, we are hearing that science experiments are high up on their 'excited-about-second-grade' lists! So, last week we had our first glimpse into what it looks like to be a scientist - an introduction to the scientific method. 

Our objective for the lesson was for our scientists to learn about the characteristics of common materials and the vocabulary for describing and comparing materials. Together in our mini-lesson, we came up with descriptive words to describe the objects the teacher showed the class. The initial vocabulary list we came up with included: rough, smooth, hard, soft, round, gooey, wet, wooden, plastic, metal, shiny, dull, fluffy, edges, sides and more. 
Now it was their turn. Eagerly, our students went into their groups where they recorded, using drawings and labels, the characteristics they noticed by looking at and feeling their objects. As the exploring continued we added to our vocabulary list! Caroline and Louise circled from group to group asking the students to explain why they put the object in their chosen category.

This was a fun introduction to what scientist do. We are looking forward to many more explorations!

Sorting objects into categories (rough, smooth, dull or shiny).

Drawing objects from the tray and choosing words from
our vocabulary list to describe it.

Scientists busy at work!

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