Sunday, May 24, 2015

City Government Work

Last week we had our city government work induction. Each department brainstormed logo ideas and created their own ID badges that they will need to wear each time they go to work. We think they did quite a good job designing them!

Department of Transportation, Parks and Rec, Health, Sanitation and Animal Care & Control

At the Department of Sanitation, the workers answered calls from the public about trash on the street, questions about recyclables, etc. They got to work solving the problems and completed their work orders after marking the site of the problem on the NYC map.


The four workers in the Animal Care and Control Department received calls about stray animals on the street, injured animals, sightings of a coyote in Battery Park and answered questions about where to foster animals. The dispatched workers diligently completed the public's requests and all injured animals were brought to a city shelter to recuperate.

At the Department of Parks and Recreation, the workers answered calls about broken play structures, fallen trees after a bad storm, when the sprinklers would be turned on, etc. They also set up a team to plant new trees and plants in a couple of communities. 

The Department of Health received many calls asking about healthy lifestyles. Our workers went into schools to teach them about healthy food options and ways to keep active. We were also sent out to inspect restaurants where we used a checklist to ensure they were up to standard and running a clean restaurant. The workers assigned letter grades to the restaurants based on their inspection. 

Some of us worked for the Department of Transportation. We received calls about broken traffic lights that were causing chaos on the FDR. They also received many calls about pot holes in many places throughout NYC. The team then answered calls from the public asking for someone to come out to inspect the bridges and tunnels. We got straight to work!

Our city department workers have been working hard over the last few weeks. They deserve their three day weekend. Stay tuned to see what we'll get up to after the Memorial Weekend!

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